What responsibilities will I have?
Preschool teachers play a central role in ensuring the preschool program is of high quality. They bring a wide range of skills and qualities to the job of guiding young children’s learning and development. Since one of them is constantly reflecting, we thought it might be helpful for you to see the basic teacher responsibilities through the lens of a teacher evaluation. Evaluations are a formal way that teachers can assess their strengths and areas for continued growth. The way teachers are evaluated will vary tremendously, but in some way, teachers should be engaging in ongoing reflection on the following core classroom responsibilities.
(Please enter a score of 1-5 in each box below to reflect the following):
When calculating scores please consider both effort (process) and outcome (product)
Need more effort or experience |
Adequate |
Mastery |
Personal Attributes |
Student |
Teacher |
- Attendance
- Arrives promptly and does not leave early
- Dresses appropriately
- Appears eager to learn
- Maintains ethical code of conduct
- Learns classroom routine
- Has a positive attitude
- Uses appropriate language in speaking and writing
- Shows initiative
- Completes work on time
- Balances observation and participation appropriately
- Works as part of teaching team
- Reflects on and evaluates own behavior and actions
- Responds appropriately to feedback and suggestions
- Demonstrates respect for all
- Is aware of self as role model
- Takes safe risks and learns from mistakes
Relationships with Children |
Student |
Teacher |
Appears comfortable around children
- Learns and uses children’s names
- Treats children with kindness and respect
- Listens carefully to what children say
- Responds with interest, concern, and care
- Uses nonverbal communication effectively (body language, facial expressions, down to their level,…)
- Uses verbal communication effectively (voice, volume, tone, open-ended, multiple bounces,…)
- Interacts positively with individual children
- Interacts positively with small groups of children
- Interacts positively with large group of children
- Adapts to children’s individual needs and styles
- Understands developmentally appropriate practices
- Is informed by observations of child
- Encourages development of the “whole child”
- Supports peer interactions
- Fosters problem solving
- Is alert to total classroom dynamics
- Shows patience and understanding with conflict
- Uses a variety of appropriate guidance strategies
- Overall appears to enjoy time with children
Relationships with Adults |
Student |
Teacher |
- Appears comfortable around adults
- Learns and uses adult’s name
- Treats adults with kindness and respect
- Uses nonverbal and verbal communication appropriately and frequently
- Asks for information/support as needed
- Keeps team members informed of incidents/concerns
- Finds ways to support and be part of teaching team
- Shows respect for parents and family members of the children in the class
- Understands the important role families play in children’s lives
- Maintains confidentially and professionalism
Segments of Routine and Curriculum |
Student |
Teacher |
- Arrival and greeting of children and families
- Self-care of children (handwashing, toileting, tooth brushing,…)
- Nutrition (meal planning, meal prep, feeding, clean up,…)
- Large Group Time (reading books, telling stories, singing songs, movement activities, transitions, fingerplays, chants, attention getters, group management, modifying for children’s interests in the moment, leading and extending discussions, other)
- Inside Time areas and activities (Dramatic Play, Block Play, Science & Math, fine motor, gross motor, other)
- Outside Time areas and activities
- Dismissal and farewell f children and families
Classroom Implementation |
Student |
Teacher |
- Understands classroom flow and procedures
- Tries new experiences in various classroom duties
- Aware of goals of program in planning
- Understands age group, abilities, and interests
- Creates opportunities for children to make choices and learn
- Supports the theory that children learn through play
- Works effectively with teacher in planning process
- Understands planning based on children’s interests and development
- Shows skill in preparing written lesson plan
- Plans for children’s involvement in their own learning
- Implements activities appropriately
- Shows flexibility in adapting activities as needed
- Reflects on children’s response to activities
- Reflection indicates learning from the experience
- Documents learning effectively
- Comfortable implementing activities
Pause to Reflect
Look through the responsibilities above. Which do you think will be the easiest for you to master? The most difficult? Why?
Teaching is a process. We learn more as we practice the art of teaching. Malcolm Gladwell, in his book. “The Tipping Point,” says that in order to be an expert at something, you need to spend 10,000 hours doing it. [33] That is quite a long time! Factor in all of the informal teaching that you have done over your lifetime and you still can see that it will take some time to master the skills above and move to the “Mastery” stage of teaching.
In addition to the classroom skills mentioned above, teachers take on a variety of other roles informally that you may not think of right away. These may include:
- Nurse
- Janitor
- Researcher
- Cook
- Interior Designer
- Graphic Designer
- Counselor
- Artist
- Plumber
- Interpreter
- Reporter
- Mediator
- Student
- Performer
- Cheerleader
Pause to Reflect
Look through the additional roles above. Which makes sense for you? Which need further clarification? Can you think of others to add?
“I am surprised each day by the many roles I play. I am glad I am open to trying new things and chipping in where needed. Quality teaching is a team effort in all regards, even if it means plunging the toilet when a child flushes a wooden block and the custodian isn’t available.”
As mentioned earlier, a key way we reflect is through on-going assessments. These are meant less of a “test of performance on evaluation day” and more of an ongoing feedback opportunity.
Assessment affords us the following:
- A key to gaining the knowledge and skills needed to continually grow and change as early childhood professionals.
- The opportunity to address specific goals and how those goals will improve your teaching.
- A feedback loop that is sometimes referred to as “appreciative inquiry.”
Part of the process of becoming an early childhood professional is having a growth mindset. That means that you are able and willing to hear the feedback from others and integrate that feedback through inquiry and reflection. You can hear that feedback in the spirit it is given – for growth.
During the beginning of your career as an early childhood professional, you may engage with a coach, who is often a part of the staff at your program that can help you to improve your knowledge and skills. One of the best ways for someone to coach you is to look at your strengths and to support you with your challenges. Judy Jablon, the author of Coaching with Powerful Interactions, shares about the importance of strength-based coaching. Here is an example of what that may look like:
You have asked your lead teacher to record you reading to a large group of children. Of course, you are nervous, but you trust your lead teacher to be honest and to provide feedback for growth. Later that day, you meet together to discuss together what you both see on the recording. After you both view the recording, your lead teacher begins the discussion:
Lead Teacher : What do you think about this after viewing the recording?
You : I could tell that I was nervous at the beginning, but once the children were engaged, a sense of calm came over me, and I felt pretty good about it.
Lead Teacher : Do you see any areas where you can grow and if so, what advice would you like from me?
You : One of the areas that I struggled with is allowing the children to freely express themselves as I was reading. I notice that you are much more comfortable with that when you read to the children. I would love to read with the ease that you do.
Lead Teacher : Thank you for noticing. Feeling the ease that you mention took a lot of time and guidance with the help of a coach during my early years of teaching. What she taught me with patience and compassion was really a gift. A gift that I am able to share with new teachers.
You : I would like to review the recording a bit more and then try it again next week. I plan to practice reading the book to see if that will give me more comfort. Thank you for being supportive and kind. I appreciate our work together.
“I get very nervous for assessments but they end up being very helpful.
I have started doing “self-assessments” of myself a lot and it helps to be prepared when my director comes to do my formal one.
Although I feel very uncomfortable doing it, I am finding that videoing myself and watching it is the best way for me to get a true picture of my teaching.”
What is a Professional Portfolio?
If an assessment can give you a snapshot of your strengths, imagine what an entire collection can do? That is the essence of a professional portfolio. It is a compilation of all of your strengths, a “brag book” if you will. Most teachers will use a 3 ring notebook or e-portfolio to house their resume, certificates, immunizations, letters of recommendations and samples of their professional work (activity plans, photos, work samples, resources, newsletters, etc.) and professional statements about important concepts (philosophy, core beliefs, best practices, etc.) These can be from classes, work-related endeavors, community service, anywhere that highlights your skills. We encourage you to begin collecting items now and add them often.
“I get so many compliments on my professional portfolio. I decorated it to reflect me and use it often. I brought it on interviews, set it out at Open House, and keep it in my work area to add to often.
I was so nervous in my interviews that I was glad I had my portfolio to show. I found it helped with talking points and helped me show my work better than if I had just explained it. For one interview, I was so nervous that I just walked in, said “hi” and handed them the portfolio. They were impressed and I got the job!”
- At the beginning, I felt overwhelmed. It gets better!
- Go to your site's website and learn about their philosophy and school. It helps give an understanding of why they do what they do.
- Always plan ahead and stay on top of things!
- Smile and enjoy the experience. This is what you want to do.
- Get to know the children and your coworkers as soon as you can.
- Intimidating at first, but you will feel comfortable after a while.
- Visit a few times before you start to see how they dress and do things.
- Jump in as soon as you feel comfortable and do things early.
- Feel comfortable to talk about any questions or concerns.
- Observe as much as you can. Come early and stay late if needed.
- Choose your site carefully.
- Step out of your comfort zone.
- Communication is the key!
- Be flexible
- Go back to your previous class materials; it will help a lot
- View your “mistakes” as learning opportunities and always grow from them!
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
- Ask for feedback
- Pay it forward when you can
- Find out procedures right away (time card, belongings, lunch,…)
- Don’t expect perfection from yourself or others
- Support others and they will do the same for you
- Begin a resource file and keep adding to it
Pause to Reflect
What advice stands out for you? Why? How will you use it?