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An excellent source of videos about Native Americans in the United States is Native American Public Telecommunications, 1800 N. 33rd. St., Lincoln, NE 68503 and in Canada the National Film Board of Canada, PO Box 6100, Station Centre-Ville, Montreal, Quebec.
Black Indians: An American Story. Rich-Heape Films, Inc. 5952 Royal Lane. Suite 254 Dallas, TX 75230.
Daughters of the Country. National Film Board of Canada. PO Box 6100. Station Centre-Ville, Montreal, Quebec.
House Made of Dawn. New Line Home Video.
500 Hundred Nations. Warner Home Video.
How the West Was Lost, volumes I and III. Discovery Enterprises Group, Bethesda, MD 20814.
In Whose Honor: American Indian Mascots in Sports. New Day Films. 22D. Hollywood Ave. Ho-ho-kus, NJ 07423.
Indian Country Diaries. Native American Public Telecommunications. Visionmaker Videos. Box 83111, Lincoln, NE 68501.
Medicine River. Sterling Entertainment Group. Fort Mill, SC 29708.
Mountain Wolf Woman. Women’s History and Literature Media. PO Box 5264, Madison, WI 53705.
Myths and Moundbuilders. PBS Video, Public Broadcasting Service.
Native American Men’s and Women’s Dance Styles, volumes I and II. Full Circle Videos.
Smoke Signals. Buena Vista Home Entertainment. Burbank, CA 91521.
The People Today: Native Americans Examine the Impact of the Catholic Church on the Tribes of the Plateau and Northern Rockies. DeSmet Project, Washington State University, Pullman.
Those Who Came Before. Southwestern Parks and Monuments Association, Tucson, AZ.
Weaving Two Worlds: Tradition and Economic Survival. PBS Video, Public Broadcasting Service