If something insignificant occurs and you smile as if you just won the lottery, you will be happier about the little things than you would be if you only had a tiny smile Non-deliberate control of emo...If something insignificant occurs and you smile as if you just won the lottery, you will be happier about the little things than you would be if you only had a tiny smile Non-deliberate control of emotions influences the things you attend to, your appraisal, your choice to engage in an emotional experience, and your behaviors after the emotion is experienced (Mauss, Bunge & Gross, 2007; Mauss, Levenson, McCarter, Wilhelm & Gross, 2005)
If something insignificant occurs and you smile as if you just won the lottery, you will be happier about the little things than you would be if you only had a tiny smile Non-deliberate control of emo...If something insignificant occurs and you smile as if you just won the lottery, you will be happier about the little things than you would be if you only had a tiny smile Non-deliberate control of emotions influences the things you attend to, your appraisal, your choice to engage in an emotional experience, and your behaviors after the emotion is experienced (Mauss, Bunge & Gross, 2007; Mauss, Levenson, McCarter, Wilhelm & Gross, 2005)