Quann and Wien (2006) suggest that one way to support the development of empathy in young children is to create a culture of caring in the early childhood environment. Empathy is made up of as a set o...Quann and Wien (2006) suggest that one way to support the development of empathy in young children is to create a culture of caring in the early childhood environment. Empathy is made up of as a set of processes enabling an individual to attend to, understand, and attune to the feelings, bodies, and minds of others by directly observing or imagining their emotional states
The concept of empathy reflects the social nature of emotion, as it links the feelings of 2 or more people (Levenson & Ruef, 1992). Quann and Wien (2006) suggest that one way to support the developmen...The concept of empathy reflects the social nature of emotion, as it links the feelings of 2 or more people (Levenson & Ruef, 1992). Quann and Wien (2006) suggest that one way to support the development of empathy in young children is to create a culture of caring in the early childhood environment.