3.17: Assignment- Birth Plan
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Criteria | Proficient | Developing | Not Evident | Points |
Presents a coherent birth plan between 300-600 words | Writes in clear, descriptive sentences with no or few grammatical errors. The birth plan is well organized and complete. | Does not provide enough detail in the birth plan or contains several grammatical errors. | Incomplete birth plan or difficult to understand. | __/4 |
Describes choices for each of the four areas (before birth, during labor and delivery, vaginal vs. c-section, and newborn care) | Includes sufficient information for each of the four areas. | Includes sufficient information for two or three of the areas. The other area may be incomplete or missing. | Includes information for only one or none of the required areas. | __/12 |
Explains the connection with the text | Makes a strong connection between the birth plan and the relevant topics that were presented in the text. | Makes a weak connection between the birth plan and the relevant topics that were presented in the text. | Does not back up choices in the birth plan with relevant information from the text. | __/4 |
Total: | __/20 |
Contributors and Attributions
CC licensed content, Original