10.1: Chronology
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18,000 – 15,000 BCE First humans migrate to the Americas
c. 13,000 BCE Big game hunters inhabit the Great Plains
c. 10,000 BCE Mesoamericans begin to cultivate squash
10,000 – 3,500 BCE Paleo-Indian Period
5600 – 3000 BCE Early Plains Archaic Period
2000 BCE – 250 CE Preclassic or Formative period in Mesoamerica
c. 1900 BCE Mesoamericans begin to make pottery
1800 – 800 BCE Late Initial Period in Peru
1500 – 400 BCE Middle Formative Period in Mesoamerica. Peak of Olmec statue carving
c. 1000 BCE Maize becomes widespread in North America
400 BCE – 100 CE Late Formative Period in Mesoamerica
200 BCE The Moche begin their conquest of Peru’s north coast
200 BCE – 400 CE The Hopewell culture flourishes in North America
100 BCE – 600 CE The Nazca culture flourishes in Peru
400s CE Tiwankau founded
550 CE Teotihuacán reaches 125,000 residents
700 CE The Huari Empire reaches its height
700 – 1400 CE Cahokia
750 CE Tikal reaches 80,000 residents
800 CE The Toltec city of Tula reaches a population of 35,000
1000 CE The Chimu establish the capital city of Chan Chan
1050 CE The population of Chaco Canyon’s five great pueblos reaches 5,000 inhabitants
1325 CE Tenochtitlán founded
1471 CE Death of Inca Pachacuti