5: Effective Teaching Last updated Jul 20, 2021 Save as PDF 4.8: Are for-profit schools and corporate sponsorships viable? 5.1: Are teachers born or made? Page ID111184 Jennfer Kidd, Jamie Kaufman, Peter Baker, Patrick O'Shea, Dwight Allen, & Old Dominion U studentsOld Dominion University ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) 5.1: Are teachers born or made?5.2: What are the differences between direct instruction and discovery learning?5.3: How can we teach to meet all students' needs?5.4: What are the theories of multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence?5.5: What is the nature of cooperative learning?5.6: What is the effect of having high expectations for students?5.7: How can teachers continue to learn throughout life?